In progress. Learning about capacitance and inductance, first- and second-order transient circuit response, operational amplifier circuits, sinusoidal steady state analysis, Bode plots, complex power in single and balanced three-phase systems, transformers, two-port networks (Z-parameters and Y-parameters), and computer-aided analysis and design.
In progress. Learning about embedded systems, machine language execution, assembly and C language programming, local variables and subroutines, input/output synchronization, analog to digital conversion and digital to analog conversion, debugging, and interrupts.
In progress. Learning about design and implementation techniques for imperative programming, structured programming in the C/C++ language, and programming idioms. Examining software design principles, including modularity, coupling and cohesion, software engineering tools, elementary data structures, and asymptotic analysis.
In progress. Learning about ordinary differential equations, vector spaces, linear operators and eigenvalues, systems of linear differential equations, partial differential equations, and Fourier series.
I learned the basics of circuit design/analysis, including KVL/KCL, Thevenin/Norton equivalents, and nodal analysis, along with the basics of operational amplifiers. Further, I explored the basics of semiconductor physics through the construction and application of MOSFET, common-source amplifier, and CMOS inverter devices. Finally, I gained an understanding of AC circuits through time/frequency domain representation, transfer functions of RC/RL/RLC circuits, and resonance.
I learned the basics of computing, including bit operations, arithmetic/logic operations, and digital logic design. Further, I explored the Von Neumann model of processing including memory, ALU, registers, and instruction decoding/execution. Finally, I learned machine and assembly language programming using the LC-3 simulator.
I learned about methods of integration, parametric equations, infinite sequences/series, and multiple integrals.